ATTENTION US TRAVELLERS: We continue to receive lots of inquiries about the updated travel rules for dogs travelling to the U.S. that take effect on August 1, 2024. You can find the most up-to-date information about the new dog rules on the CFIA website.

Behavioural Counselling

Assisting pet owners in identifying the fundamental reasons of their dog's behavioural issues.

At South Burnaby Veterinary Hospital, we know the importance of a happy relationship and lifestyle for your dog. There are many common behaviours often only requiring some training (for both you and your dog), while others may be related to a medical condition. Rest assured, we are here to help you enjoy the bond that comes from being a dog parent.

Do you also offer private behaviour counselling and training?

We can schedule a behaviour consult to address some of the more common issues and concerns. Should your concerns go beyond our capabilities, we work together with Dr. Rebecca Ledger to help you get back on track.

How can behavioural counselling help my pet’s behaviour?

Our goal is to help you understand why your dog is behaving the way they are and teach you how to change that behaviour (this may include treating a medical condition). We want to get you and your dog connected again and make your relationship healthy and happy.

What happens at the initial dog counselling meeting?

Prior to your appointment, our office will provide you with a questionnaire, which is the beginning step to understanding your dog’s specific issues. During the appointment, we will take the time to discuss your concerns, if possible, witness the behaviour you are concerned about and help you to understand the potential reasons. Once we have that base of knowledge, we will set you up with a plan for addressing your concerns to help get you on your way.

Will my pet insurance policy cover the cost of dog behaviour counselling?

Every pet insurance policy is different. We recommend reaching out to your insurance provider for information regarding coverage.

What can I expect after the consultation?

Our team is with you every step of the way. We will check in with you after you have had some time to introduce the new techniques we have discussed. In some cases, follow up appointments are needed.

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