What is the Mexi-Can Vet Project all about?
The Mexi-Can Vet Project is the creation of Dr. Malcolm McCartney from McKenzie Veterinary Services in Victoria, B.C.. He has been heading down to the West coast of Mexico (just one hour North of beautiful Puerto Vallarta) for 7 years with a team of vet techs and assistants, to volunteer at free spay and neuter clinics. Twice a year, his team joins with Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue (JBAR) and PEACE Mexico (a team of traveling Mexican vets) to do 4 full days of spays and neuters on cats and dogs in the Jaltemba Bay area in Nayarit, Mexico. Some of the animals are strays and are rounded up on the local streets on the morning of the clinics, and brought in to be spayed or neutered. Many of the animals are owned by local Mexicans, who cannot afford to pay for the surgery for their pets. Over the past 7 years, several thousand cats and dogs have been helped, thus making a huge difference in the human and pet community.
Dr. Buxton and South Burnaby Vet Hospital’s Participation
For many years, it was a goal of mine and my team at SBVH to become more involved in charitable pet related organizations. After reading about the Mexi-Can Vet Project in a local veterinary journal, I was inspired to join this project. In April 2013, Dr. Carter and I flew down to Mexico to participate in this worthy project. It was a remarkably rewarding and interesting experience for both of us. It turned out to be a tiny bit of beach time and a whole lot of hard work! In four days, working alongside Dr. McCartney, the PEACE Mexico vets, and the 50 or more JBAR volunteers, we spayed and neutered 220 animals (cats and dogs). We also treated several seriously ill patients, by setting up our own mini-ICU under the palm trees! It was a physically and emotionally exhausting experience, but it felt so worthwhile.
We experienced first-hand the need for veterinary care of pets and strays and the amazing difference that the efforts of JBAR, PEACE Mexico, and Dr. McCartney were having in communities on the west coast of Mexico. Our experience has inspired us to return and help out in the future. We hope to participate every April and November.
In April 2013, we were joined by two filmmakers (Erin and Mike) from May Street Productions in Victoria. They filmed the action at the clinic, including many sad and happy stories. They interviewed everyone so we got quite used to a camera in our faces. They plan to create a documentary or an episode for a possible television series. We look forward to seeing their film work. A short promo video called “Vets Without Borders”, which combines footage of our work in Mexico and that of an actual Vets Without Borders veterinary team in Todos Santos, Guatemala was made to entice producers to expand their documentary project. We wish them luck and hope to be involved in the future. To view this video, click on this link.
Donations from our wonderful clients and veterinary supply companies make it possible to have enough surgical and medical supplies to perform up to 200 surgeries per clinic and also treat many animals for infectious and parasitic diseases. Donations also help to cover the costs of running the clinics organized and run by volunteers from JBAR. We also have been able to get involved in some complex medical, surgical and dental problems of dogs and cats.
At the conclusion of every clinic, we also bring 3-5 dogs back to Vancouver for adoption. The Mexi-Can Vet Project adoption fees that we collect for each dog are passed onto JBAR to maintain their animal shelter in that area.
Here are some of the Mexican dogs who have new homes in Canada!

How you can help the Mexi-Can Vet Project
Mexi-Can Vet Project needs your help to continue to fund these free spay and neuter clinics in Mexico. South Burnaby Veterinary Hospital donates between $2000-$3000 each trip to cover flights, meals, and supplies for our staff members who volunteer their help and expertise, and give up their holiday time to attend each clinic.
Monetary donations are the most helpful way to contribute. Your donations go toward the surgical and medical supplies that are required to run the clinics. Any extra money is donated to JBAR to help pay for ongoing medical and surgical care of animals treated at local clinics in La Penita and to run their animal shelter in La Colonia.100% of the funds that you donate go to support the project.
How can you donate?
Send a cheque made out to South Burnaby Veterinary Hospital, and write “Mexi-Can Vet Project” in the memo line.
Note: We are still (as of November 2013) unable to issue a CRA tax receipt for monetary donations, but are negotiating to become part of a B.C. registered non-profit society which will be able to issue receipts for donations in the near future.
Adopt a Dog from Mexico
Why adopt a dog from Mexico?
There are many animal rescue groups in western Canada who import dogs from the southern USA and Mexico. So many Canadians have discovered that these once homeless dogs from down south are simply the best pets that they have ever had!
The main goal of the Mexi-Can Vet Project is to fund and participate in sterilization clinics in Mexico; however, we see it also as a good opportunity to give a better life to a homeless dog. Nearly every dog that we select has been in the care of foster mother Celia Brambila. For many years, Celia has devoted herself to running the JBAR animal shelter out of her home in La Colonia.
Celia spends a lot of time with each dog that she fosters, so most are well socialized young dogs of small mixed-breed types. Each dog that we select has been assessed for health and disposition by our team, and has also received a physical exam, basic vaccines, and deworming before coming to Canada.
Please let our receptionist know if you are interested in adopting one of our dogs – we will put you on a list. There is definitely something special about these Mexican dogs!